Continuing Education for Iowa Social Workers
Iowa social workers must comply with the licensing board’s rules as they relate to continuing education. Social workers must complete 27 hours of continuing education opportunities during the two-year licensure period. Three of the 27 hours must be in social work ethics training.
Due to a 2019 change of Iowa Code, a social worker licensed in the state of Iowa may complete all 27 hours of continuing education on-line.
For the reference regarding on-line continuing education see
154C.3 at the bottom of page 2
Chapter 154C
Additionally, if a social worker has direct contact with children and dependent adults, they must complete Mandatory Reporter training as required and provided by the State of Iowa.
Mandatory Reporter Training in the State of Iowa
Social workers should download and review the Administrative Rules pertaining to Continuing Education, Chapter 281.
Chapter 281 - Continuing Education for Social Workers