
2024 Iowa Precinct Caucuses - Monday 1-15-24

We hope you are planning to attend your precinct caucus on Monday, January 15.  It is important for your voice to be heard by our political leaders. One of the activities at both the Republican and the Democratic caucuses is building the party policy platform.  Submitting platform planks at your precinct caucus will give you an opportunity to help shape the party’s policy platform and influence your neighbors and party leaders.

Democrats may wonder why they should attend their precinct caucuses on January 15, as they will not be selecting their preferred presidential candidate.  One of the primary activities for their caucuses will be to build their party platform. 

Attending your precinct caucus provides you the opportunity to weigh in on important policy matters. 

The NASW IA Chapter reviewed the legislative priorities shared by NASW IA members during our last legislative priorities survey. The topics that garned the most concern in were :

  1. Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Suicide Prevention
  2. Reproductive Healthcare
  3. Medicaid
  4. Gun Violence
  5. Healthcare

With these in mind the NASW IA Chapter drafted Platform Plank examples for you to utilize at the January 15, 2024, Precinct Caucuses.

Links to these will be posted here shortly


Caucus Information

Democractic Caucuses

Info about the Democratic Precinct Caucuses, and requesting a presidential preference card


Democrat Caucus Locations


Republican Caucuses



Information about the Republican Caucuses


Find Republican Caucus Locations here


Staying home says that you accept the status quo.  Attending your precinct caucus is one way to say that the current state of affairs is not acceptable to you, your family and the clients who you serve.