
Mon. 3-23-2020 NASW IOWA COVID – 19 Update # 4

Governor’s Latest Proclamation includes licensing (Sun. 3-22-2020)

See sections Seven and Fifteen regarding Social Work

Section Seven has do with obtaining a license

I have sent emails to the Iowa Board of Social Work and our social work delegation in the Iowa House alerting them to my question about independent social workers as referenced in the Governor’s proclamation.The Governor charged the professional boards with issuing guidance on these matters and the Iowa Board of Social Work is working on this.

Section Fifteen is about providing telehealth for clients IN Iowa

Social workers licensed in other states are now able to provide telehealth for their clients who are located in Iowa. We have to wait for the other states to issue the same sort of a proclamation.

I am checking in with my colleagues from other jurisdictions, paying particular attention to bordering states.

The Association of Social Work Boards is tracking this